Python 871XP User Manual
Page 14

© 2 0 0 5 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s — a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d
Alarm Page
If the alarm system is triggered while armed, an Alarm Page will
be sent to the 2-way remote control. After receipt of an Alarm
Page at the 2-way remote, the LED icons will flash and the 2- way
remote will beep the alarm system status information.
An Alarm Page alert will repeat every 100 seconds to alert the
user that the alarm system was triggered and will continue until
the alarm page is cleared. A full sensor trigger will cause the 10
rapid beep sequence Alarm Page alert and a door opening and
any other trigger will cause the 4 rapid beep sequence Alarm
Page alert.
Page Recognition (Acknowledgement)
The 2-way remote will flash an icon and beep when it has
received a triggered response and will wait for you to recognize
the violation. Briefly press the
button on the 2-way remote
while the 2-way remote is beeping to clear the alarm page. If the
alarm page was not cleared the 2-way remote will notify again at
another 100 seconds.
important! The Alarm Page alert can only be cleared dur-
ing notification, the lock button must be pressed while
the 2-way remote is beeping. The 2-way remote cansend
commands between the Alarm Page alerts (100 seconds)