Instructions for kit kxmic00155 – Milnor KXMIC00155 User Manual
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1) Save the current memory in a data storage device.
2) Remove the video card from the video interface board.
3) Remove the processor, memory board and ribbon cable from the machine.
4) Remove the EPROMS from the old processor and memory board.
5) Install the EPROMS in the new processor board according to the tag.
6) Mount the video card bracket on the processor board using the metal screws.
7) Install the new processor board in the machine, you may need to space it out further
than it was to clear the surrounding wires. Use the spacers that were on the memory
board. The hole pattern is the same as the old processor board.
8) Install the video card into the slot on the processor according to the tag. Use the
plastic hardware to mount the bracket to the board.
9) The cable coming from the monitor that plugs into the video card may need to be
rerouted to provide enough slack.
10) Download the memory from the data storage device into the Miltron.
Michael R. Stevens
Technical Support
Revised 11/17/00