Philips 107Q User Manual

Page 39

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two important standards both derived from regulations originally laid down by Swedish authorities.


The standard originally proposed by the Swedish National Board of Measurement and Testing. It
set maximum levels of electromagnetic radiation emitted by monitors, and has now been adopted
as a world standard. MPR-II defines maximum permitted electrostatic, magnetic and electric field
levels measured at a distance of 50 cm from the center of the monitor (see table).


In 1991, the Swedish Tjänstemannens Central Organization (TCO, Swedish confederation of
Professional Employees ) set a standard even more severe than MPR-II, especially for alternating
electric fields (AEF). The TCO standard is more severe since not only are the permitted field levels
reduced compared with MPR-II, but the measuring distance is also reduced (see table).

Electromagnetic radiation standards

EMI (Electrical Magnetic Interference)

The electrical and/or magnetic radiation coming from the working electrical or electronic equipment.

EMS (Electrical Magnetic Sustainment)

The ability of electrical or electronic equipment to function properly in the environment with electrical
and/or magnetic interference.




Very rapid variations in picture intensity caused by the finite time required for the electron beam to
scan a picture onto the screen. Two kinds of flicker occur: line flicker caused by the electron beam
scanning-in each line of the picture; and frame flicker (or field flicker if the picture is interlaced)
caused by the frame repetition rate of 50 frames/second. Frame flicker is noticeable with GUI and
DTP software (which have a light background), and can be very disturbing, especially for those who
work regularly with displays - contributing to eye strain, headaches, visual blurring, stress, etc. The

file:///D|/EDFU/crt_17_6/edoc/english/GLOSSARY/GLOSSARY.HTM (7 of 22)2005-04-08 ¤W¤И 11:27:42