Pentair HP 600 User Manual

Page 27

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Control Ready light ON.
Water Press. OK light ON
T-Stat On light ON
Fan is not turning.
Unit will not start.

Low water flow through heater. Dirty or worn
filters or clogged lint traps. Clogged filter pump
impeller. Improper plumbing valve settings.

Wait for the 90 second compressor time delay.
Clean entire filtering system and or replace fil-
ter element. Inspect & clean pump impeller.
Adjust plumbing valves. Call factory or dealer.

Compressor has not started yet. Low water flow
through heater. Dirty or worn filters or clogged
lint traps. Clogged filter pump impeller. Im-
proper plumbing valve settings.

All control lights ON
Fan is turning, no cool air dis-
charging out the top of heater.
Unit is not heating.

Clean entire filtering system and or replace fil-
ter element. Inspect & clean pump impeller.
Adjust plumbing valves. Call the factory for

Spa will not heat to maximum
temperature of 104˚F + or - 3˚.
Thermostat is turned all the way


Spa is heating very slowly.

Low or restricted water flow through heater.
Dirty or worn filters or clogged lint traps.
Clogged filter pump impeller. Improper plumb-
ing valve settings. Suction leak allowing air
into the water flow. Low water flow when
switched to spa mode or the control is not in
spa mode. Unit is plumbed backwards. Heat
exchanger clogged with debris. Internal bypass
valve damaged or clogged with debris. Your spa
thermometer is not reading the correct tempera-
ture. Air blower is running. Venturi air inlets
are open. It is very cold outside. Spa pump is
not running.

Clean entire filtering system and or replace fil-
ter element. Inspect & clean pump impeller.
Adjust all plumbing valves. Repair suction air
leaks, grease pump lid o-ring. Shut off air
blower and or Venturi inlets that allow air tur-
bulence in the spa. Use a cover while heating
the spa. Outside air temp. too cold. Set spa
pump timer for longer time. Call your dealer
for advise. Call the factory for advice.

Pool is heating very slowly.
Pool is not getting up to tempera-

Low or restricted water flow through heater.
Dirty or worn filters or clogged lint traps.
Clogged filter pump impeller. Improper plumb-
ing valve settings. Suction leak allowing air
into the water flow. It is cold outside. Pool pump
timer is not set for a long enough running pe-
riod. Pool is not covered. High wind speed
over pool. Shaded pool area.

Clean entire filtering system and or replace fil-
ter element. Inspect & clean pump impeller.
Adjust all plumbing valves. Repair suction air
leaks, grease pump lid o-ring. Use a pool cover.
Place a wind break around pool. Set pool pump
timer longer. Call your dealer for advise. Call
the factory for advice.

For dual thermostat units:
Unit is in pool mode but spa is
on, or unit is in spa mode but
pool is on.

The optional motorized plumbing valves are out
of synchronization with the dual thermostat con-
trol. The motor valves are not turning. The
manual pool/spa valves have not been turned
correctly. A third party external control device
is overriding the dual control. Motor valves have
a tendency to rotate after a power outage and
then they are out of sync.

Use the motor valve actuator switches so the
valves go to the mode selected on the dual ther-
mostat pool/spa select switch. Grease motor
valves. Adjust manual valves correctly. Adjust
third party control device. Possible defective
motor valve. Call your installer for advise. Call
the factory for advise.

Compressor will not start. Fan
comes on, compressor time de-
lay passes, compressor attempts
to star but unit shuts all the way
off ( and or circuit breaker trips).

Restricted water flow through heater. Dirty or
filters or clogged lint traps. Clogged filter pump
impeller. Improper plumbing valve settings.
Suction leak allowing air into the water flow.
Low water flow when switched to spa mode.
Compressor was not preheated properly.

Clean entire filtering system and or replace fil-
ter element. Inspect & clean pump impeller.
Adjust all plumbing valves. Repair suction air
leaks, grease pump lid o-ring. Replace filter.
Have a licensed electrician check the power sup-
ply voltage and wire size. Call your installer
for advise. Call the factory for advise.

The heater produces water condensation when
it operates. The water will trickle from the drain
holes designed in the bottom of the heater. The
higher the humidity the more water condensa-
tion the heater will produce. This is similar to
the effect that a glass of ice water has when it
sweats. Corrosive pool water, chemical damage
to water tubing inside heater. Chlorinator is not
isolated from the heater, chlorine migration.

Water running from the bottom
of the heater when it is running.


The heater seems to have a wa-
ter leak.

Shut the heater off for several hours but leave
the pool water pump running. Allow enough
time for all the normal condensation to evapo-
rate. If the heater continues to trickle water af-
ter that time, when it is not running, you may
have a pool water leak. You can test this water
for chlorine to confirm. Make sure your chlori-
nator has a check valve and loop installed be-
tween the heater & chlorinator.

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