7 music, Browse the music library, Browse by song information – Philips GOGEAR SA3MUS08 User Manual

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In a column, swipe your finger up/ down

to browse through the list of options.


Tap to select library views: [Artists]

and [Albums], [Artists], [Albums], or

The music library is sorted by the


song information in alphabetical order.

In a list of options that are sorted by alphabet,
Superscroll allows you to browse the options
by initial of song information. On an alphabet,
release the scroll slider and you jump to the
options that start with the alphabet.
To startSuperscrollon the list of artists,
albums, or songs,


Tap to select a library view: , , or .

The music library is sorted by


the selected song information in
alphabetical order.


In the column, swipe your finger up/

down, and then release your finger.

The scroll bar appears.



Drag the slider on the scroll bar.

On the screen, you can see the initials


of current options.

7 Music

Go to to play music from the media library
on the player.

Browse the music library

In , music files are organized by metadata (file
information). You can browse the music library
by song information, artwork, or playlist.

Browse by song information

With columns, the music library of MUSE
allows you to browse different information
about songs quickly.


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