Pantone Printer Accessories User Manual
Pantone Printers

Congratulations! Thank you for purchasing PANTONE® ColorVANTAGE™ INKS from Pantone,
Inc. If you follow the steps below, we are sure that you will be pleased with the results our ink set
PANTONE ColorVANTAGE is an optimized set of inks and expertly created ICC profiles that,
when used together, provide the best and most accurate color reproduction from your printer.
ColorVANTAGE INKS are not direct OEM replacement inks - the ink formulations and
appearance are distinctly different from the inks provided by the manufacturer or other standard
replacement type inks.
• ColorVantage inks are specially designed by the color experts at Pantone, Inc. to provide a
larger color gamut and superior lightfastness than the inks delivered by the printer manufacturer.
• In order to achieve an increased dynamic color range, the ink formulations and appearance are
distinctly different from the inks provided by the manufacturer or other standard replacement type
Everything you need can be found
• User Manual complete with instructions on how to set up your profiles and applications to
get optimal results with ColorVANTAGE INKS.
• An ICC profile library - free downloadable ICC profiles for a wide variety of media.
Profiles are absolutely required to achieve optimal color reproduction.
• Cleaning files and instructions.
• A file to let you print a PANTONE Color reference chart
Here is what you do:
1. Load ColorVANTAGE cartridges into your printer
2. Run printer head cleaning routines or, for the most complete method, use a cleaning
solution or use other printer head cleaning commands.
3. Go to www, set up your account and download (free!) ICC
profiles (Mac or Windows®) for your printer and media: profiles for media from Arches
Infinity™, Epson America, Inc. (if just USA or else Seiko Epson Corporation) Hawk
Mountain Papers, Kodak, Mitsubishi, Moab Paper Company, Premier Art™, Red River
Paper and Tecco®.
4. Once downloaded, the profile installer will automatically install the selected ICC profiles
on your computer.
5. Follow the directions in the ColorVANTAGE User Manual for instructions on how to use
the ICC profiles with certain applications
Technical Support:
Pantone is committed to offering you immediate and polite technical support. Technical support is
provided at no charge to registered users of our products. Please be sure to provide a concise
description of your problem including your system specifics.
You can reach Pantone Technical Support several ways:
1) Telephone: 201-935-5500, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Eastern
Standard Time
2) Fax: 201-896-0242. Make sure you indicate whether you want a reply by telephone,
fax or E-mail. Don’t forget to include your telephone, fax number or E-mail address.
You may also visit our online knowledgebase at
through our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or submit your questions directly to Pantone
Technical Support.