We wouldn’t dream of standing in your way, Batter y – Profoto Pro-7b User Manual

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Batter y

– Shape your own light

Grab and move

The sturdy, rubber-clad handle

on the lamp head takes the hassle

out of adjusting the light -

even when the head is hot after

hours of shooting.

”Set it on five!”

On every lamp head there is a scale with

large white figures to help you remember

your favorite settings for each

Light Shaping Tool.

Changing tools is easy

The Profoto Light Shaping Tools are

all fastened using a virtually

unbreakable, and very easy to use,

rubber-and-metal clasp.

We wouldn’t dream

of standing in your


As a professional photographer, you have your own
special style and needs.You know the expression you
want to achieve, and you don’t feel good until
you can shape the light your way. Therefore,
the Profoto Light Shaping System is based on
the principle of maximum flexibility.

First of all, we put the flash tube outside of
the lamp body, and we made every single
Light Shaping Tool zoomable.The result
is that every single tool offers an unlimited
number of lighting effects. Secondly,
the Profoto family of Light Shaping
Tools is very comprehensive, ranging
from traditional umbrellas and
reflectors, to special effects
equipment and the very large
Giant Reflectors and the advanced
StripLights and Spotlights.
So you can choose the exact tool
you need. And then zoom it to
perfection. Because only you can
tell what your light looks like.
Your equipment should not stand
in your way.