Peavey Cirrus User Manual
Page 2
Introduction ...................................................... 3
Features ............................................................ 3
Construction ..................................................... 4
B o d y
....................................................... 4
N e c k
....................................................... 4
P i c k u p s
.................................................. 4
B r i d g e
.................................................... 5
B a t t e r y
................................................... 5
Controls ........................................................... 5
V o l u m e
................................................... 5
To n e N e t w o r k
.......................................... 5
B l e n d
..................................................... 6
O u t p u t J a c k
........................................... 6
Adjustments ...................................................... 6
To r s i o n r o d
............................................ 6
P i c k u p s
.................................................. 7
S t r i n g I n t o n a t i o n
.................................... 7
S a d d l e H e i g h t
......................................... 9
Care for Your Instrument ................................... 9
Te m p e r a t u r e & h u m i d i t y
........................... 9
S t r i n g s
................................................. 10
F i n i s h
................................................... 10
A c c e s s o r i e s
.......................................... 10
Español ........................................................... 12
Français .......................................................... 20
Deutsch .......................................................... 28
Warranty ........................................................ 36
C o n t e n t s :