Plinius Audio M12 User Manual
Page 4

PLINIUS M12 Instruction Manual Page 4
The Plinius Model12 preamplifier should be left switched on at all times. We have purposely
fitted the Mains switch on the rear to discourage turning the unit off. If the Model12 is switched
off between listening sessions you will never hear just how good it really sounds. In our
experience a 48 hour warmup period is required during which the sound quality will change quite
dramatically. This change will continue for at least 72 hours after which the preamplifier will be
at its optimum. This warmup period is a nuisance but the results are very worth waiting for.
While the Model 12 does not dissipate an inordinate amount of heat, it does require a reasonable
amount of space to allow airflow. Do not place anything over the vent holes in the top panel and
if placed in a cabinet there should be at least 50mm of clearance above the Preamplifier.
The Model 12 should not be stacked with another amplifier as hum could be induced through the
Preamplifiers Phono circuits. If you detect any hum try moving the amplifier around. If the hum
level diminishes it has been induced from another source.
All input connections are clearly marked and apart from the Phono Input have a 50k Ohm
If fitted with a Phono Board the Model 12 may be 'loaded' at the Phono Input with the supplied
Phono Loading Plugs. Without Plugs in place the loading is 47k Ohm and the Plugs supplied will
allow the following loading to the Phono Circuit : 10 Ohms, 47 Ohms, 100 Ohms, 470 Ohms, 1k
Ohms. The internal capacitance is set at 220pF which will provide immunity from stray RF fields.
If two tape decks are fitted to the Model 12 it is possible to dub in either direction. Selecting
either Tape Input with the Record Selector automatically sends the tape playback signal to the
other tape deck. eg. Select Tape 1 as a record source and its playback output will go to Tape 2.
Select Tape 2 as a record source and its output will go to Tape 1.
A 'Tape Lock' feature ensures that the machine playing back and selected as a record source does
not get a signal fed to its input sockets , so inadvertently switching it to record mode will not
cause feedback howl. While dubbing, the Source Selector allows easy monitoring of either tape