Panasonic MC-E881 User Manual
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Antes de poner en marcha la aspiradora, le recomendamos que lea atentamente este
Manual de Instrucciones para el correcto funcionamiento del aparato. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Este producto cumple con las directivas 73/23/CEE y 89/336/CEE.
We would recommend that you carefully study these Operating Instructions before attempting
to operate the unit, and that you note the Important Safety Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This product complies with the directives 73/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC and with the Australian
Standards AS 3350 2.2 (1995) and Australian EMC requirements for the C-Tick Mark.
Gostariamos particularmente de o aconselhar a ler cuidadosamente este manual de ins-
truções antes de trabalhar com o aspirador, nomeadamente as instruções de segurança.
Este produto está contemplado pelas directivas 73/23/EEC e 89/336/EEC.
Vi consigliamo di studiare attentamente questo Manuale di Istruzioni prima di iniziare ad
usare l’ aspirapolvere e di prendere nota delle importanti Istruzioni di Sicurezza. . . . . . . . . .
Questo prodotto rispetta le direttive 73/23/EEC e 89/336/EEC.
Tutustu näihin käyttö- ja turvaohjeisiin huolellisesti ennen laitteen käyttöönottoa. . . . . . . . .
Tämä laite täyttää määräykset 73/23/EEC ja 89/336/EEC.
αρα αλ µε να δια σετε πρ σεκτικ αυτ ς τις
δηγ´ιες ρ ´ησης και να
ακ λ υ θ ´ησετε τις υπ δε´ι εις ασ αλε´ιας πριν θ σετε σε λειτ υργ´ια την συσκευ´η. . . .
H συσκευ´η αυυ´η ε´ιναι κατασκευασµ νη σ µ ωνα µε τις δηγ´ιες 73/23/EEC και
89/336/EEC της Eυρωπα
κ ´ης Eνωσης.
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