Scd245 – Philips SCD245 User Manual
Page 2

Infant Feeding Set
Product highlights
What is Included
Airflex Natural Feeding Bottle (9oz/260ml):
4 pcs
Extra soft, slow flow nipple:
4 pcs
Sealing base:
4 pcs
Sealing disc:
4 pcs
Newborn pacifier:
1 pcs
Issue date 2008-04-04
Version: 3.5
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Airflex Natural Feeding Bottle
A clinical trial demonstrated that at 2 weeks of age, babies
fed with the AVENT Natural Feeding Bottle showed a trend
to less colic than babies fed with a conventional bottle.
Sealing Discs and Bases
Discs convert all AVENT Bottles and Cups to milk and food
storage containers. Ideal for storing/freezing your
expressed breast milk. Keep your nipple, screw ring and
dome cap assembly clean and compact for travel, by simply
adding a sealing base.
Newborn Silicone Pacifier
Flat, drop-shaped symmetrical nipples respect the natural
development of your baby's palate, teeth and gums, even if
the pacifier ends up upside-down in the mouth.