Service profile / ssid configuration – Polycom 2300 User Manual
Page 12

Configuration Guide
PN: 1725-36082-001_F.doc
Service profile / SSID configuration
To create a SSID named Voice using WPA-PSK that will be advertised
on 802.11a/b/g radios using CLI:
set service-profile Voice ssid-name Voice
# Creates a new service profile and SSID named Voice.
Note it’s a best practice recommendation to use the
same name for both the service profile and SSID
set service-profile Voice auth-fallthru last-resort
# Sets the authentication type to open
authentication. With WPA-PSK the pre-shared key will
be used to authenticate the handset.
set service-profile Voice wpa-ie enable
# Enables WPA security.
set service-profile Voice psk-phrase
# Defines the passphrase required to access the SSID.
set service-profile Voice auth-psk enable
# Enables pre-shared-key authentication.
set service-profile Voice auth-dot1x disable
# Disables 802.1x authentication.
set service-profile Voice attr vlan-name Voice
# Specifies the VLAN name to map the voice handsets
traffic to.
To create a SSID named Voice using WPA2-PSK that will be
advertised on 802.11a/b/g radios using CLI:
set service-profile Voice ssid-name Voice
# Creates a new service profile and SSID named Voice.
Note it’s a best practice recommendation to use the
same name for both the service profile and SSID
set service-profile Voice auth-fallthru last-resort
# Sets the authentication type to open
authentication. With WPA-PSK the pre-shared key will
be used to authenticate the handset.
set service-profile Voice rsn-ie enable
# Enables WPA2 security.
set service-profile Voice cipher-tkip disable
# Disables TKIP encryption.
set service-profile Voice cipher-ccmp enable
# Enables AES/CCMP encryption.
set service-profile Voice psk-phrase
# Defines the passphrase required to access the SSID.
set service-profile Voice auth-psk enable
# Enables pre-shared-key authentication.