Psion Teklogix Vehicle-Mount Computer 8260 User Manual
Meeting the new supply chain demands, Vehicle-mount computer

Vehicle-Mount Computer
Dual Type II PCMCIA slots: one for ATA expansion card for
mass data storage, the other for choice of radio support
Extensive radio support: IEEE 802.11b 2.4 GHz frequency
hopping spread spectrum; 902 MHz spread spectrum and
narrowband; Mobitex wide area
Terminal Development Kit provides programming tools for
developing real-time or batch applications
Unparalleled support for advanced emulations including IBM
3270, 5250, HP 2392 and ANSI VT220
Application-optimization to suit your ERP, WMS or supply
chain software system
Choice of three display options to suit your needs: Vacuum
Fluorescent, Liquid Crystal or Electroluminescent
Smallest vehicle-mount footprint in the industry
Low-temperature (-20°C/-4°F) and freezer condensing
(-30°C/-22°F) versions available
Meeting the new supply chain demands
u n r i va l l e d f l e x i b i l i t y a n d r u g g e d n e s s
Success in today’s fast-paced economy demands real-time information from
across your supply chain. The 8255 and 8260 Vehicle-Mount Wireless Computers
meet the challenge, allowing mobile workers to instantly collect and transmit
inventory information, yielding better operations planning and improved customer
turnaround times. The 8200 Series offers unprecedented flexibility: DOS-based,
user-programmable, and able to support a wide range of wireless radios, these
computers will adapt to meet the changing needs of your business. Built to
withstand the harshest physical environments without compromising accuracy or
high-speed performance, the 8200 Series offers unrivalled speed and flexibility in
a tough package.