Compact fluorescent lamps integrated (cfl-i) – Philips Compact Fluorescent Lamp User Manual
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Compact Fluorescent Lamps Integr
OEM Catalogue 2009/2010
Compact Fluorescent Lamps Integrated
Compact Fluorescent Lamps
Integrated (CFL-I)
Energy savers to safeguard the world
Philips compact fluorescent lamps with integral control gear
Philips invented compact fluorescent energy savers (CFL-I) a quarter of a
century ago. Since then, continuous development has produced better light
quality, longer, more reliable life, lower mercury content and an increasingly
compact design. In addition, the range available has greatly expanded to meet
virtually all existing applications and even created new ones.
Today, compact fluorescent lamps are increasingly used both indoors and
outdoors, summer and winter, for decorative and display purposes as well as for
providing easily-installed low-cost amenity lighting.
The first Philips energy savers were designed to replace ordinary incandescent filament lamps,
to combat rising energy costs following an oil crisis. Now, the need for CFL-I lamps is even
more fundamental - they also play a major role in combating climate change due to CO
emissions. So when you upgrade clients’ lighting from incandescent to CFL-I, you are doing
much more than simply reducing their lighting costs. You are playing your part in sustaining
precious resources, safeguarding the world for all our grandchildren to enjoy. All the benefits of
CFL-I are obtained simply by changing the lamp! Like incandescent lamps, they run direct from
the mains using a standard lamp cap. They produce the same amount of high-quality light as the
lamp they replace. But there the resemblance with incandescent lamps ends
• Compact fluorescent lamps can cut energy consumption by as much as 80%, saving a fortune
on energy bills and drastically reducing CO
greenhouse gas emissions.
• Compact fluorescent lamps last between six and fifteen times longer than incandescent
lamps, saving you expensive relamping maintenance and the inconvenience of failed lamps.
• Compact fluorescents produce less heat than incandescent lamps, reducing discomfort as
well as airconditioning bills.
• Unlike incandescent lamps, many compact fluorescents are available in a choice of light
colour temperatures.
Note: Not all Compact fluorescent lamps with integral control gear are suitable for use with
external electronic devices.