ProMaster LED STUDIO VL306 User Manual
Led studio light, Vl306

LED Studio Light
Thank you for purchasing the PROMASTER
Studio Light.
Please read the following instructions to ensure the best
operation of your light.
VL306 LED Studio Light is offers a truly portable solution for continuous studio
lighting. It’s ability to operate on common AA batteries or from AC power allows you to have great
light for amazing photos where ever you need it.
Installing the Batteries
VL306 LED Studio Light operates on 10
AA batteries. To install, gently remove the back cover of the
light. Insert each battery in the battery compartment in the
direction indicated by the + and – signs printed in the battery
Using AC Power
VL306 LED Studio Light can also
operate from AC power using the AC power supply included
with your light. To operate from AC, plug the AC line cord of the power supply into the power supply
transformer. Plug the barrel plug from the transformer into the power port on the light, then plug the
AC plug into any suitable wall outlet.
Attach the Reflector
VL306 LED Studio Light is shipped with both a solid reflector and a 24”
softbox. Choose the reflector you wish to use. To attach the solid reflector, slip the slots on the
reflector over the pins on the lamp head and tighten.
The softbox comes with attachment rods. One end of each rod should be inserted in the rod pocket
in each corner of the softbox reflector. Spread out the softbox reflector by opening the Velcro
fastening points, then put the light body into the opening. Make sure the light stand bracket is facing
you. Insert the other end of each of the rods into the mounting holes indicated with a triangle
symbol around the perimeter of the light body. This forms the shape of the softbox reflector. Stretch
the softbox diffuser over the outer rim of the hood and affix it to the Velcro