ProForm PT 7.0 PFTL79400 User Manual

Page 9

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Select the manual mode.

When the key is
inserted, the manual
mode will be se-
lected, as shown by
TROL indicator. If
you have selected a
workout program, press the PROGRAM button
repeatedly until the MANUAL CONTROL indicator

Press the START button and adjust the speed
of the walking belt.

A moment after the START button is pressed, the
walking belt will begin to move. Hold the handrails
and carefully begin walking.

As you exercise, change the speed of the walking
belt as desired by pressing the SPEED buttons.
Each time one of the buttons is pressed, the
speed will change by 0.1 mph. The buttons can be
held down to change the speed quickly. Note: It
may take a few seconds for the walking belt to
reach the selected speed setting.

To stop the walking belt, press the STOP button.
The TIME/SEGMENT display will begin to flash.
To restart the walking belt, press the START but-
ton. To stop the walking belt and reset the dis-
plays, hold down the STOP button for two seconds.

Adjust the incline of the treadmill as desired.

To change the incline of the treadmill, press the
INCLINE buttons. Each time one of the buttons is
pressed, the incline will change by 0.5%. The but-
tons can be held down to change the incline
quickly. Note: It may take a few seconds for the
treadmill to reach the selected incline setting.

Follow your progress with the LED track and
the four displays.

The LED TrackÑ
The LED track repre-
sents a distance of
1/4 mile. As you ex-
ercise, the indicators
around the track will
light one at a time.
When you have com-
pleted 1/4 mile, the indicators will darken in a coun-
terclockwise direction and a new lap will begin.

ÑWhen the
manual mode is se-
lected, this display will
show the elapsed time.
When a workout pro-
gram is selected, this display will show the time
remaining in the program as well as the time re-
maining in the current ÒsegmentÓ (segments will
be explained in a later step). The display will
change from one number to the other every seven
seconds. The SEG indicator will light when the
time remaining in the current segment is shown.

ÑThis display
shows the distance that
you have walked and
the number of 1/4-mile
laps you have com-
pleted. The display will change from one number
to the other every seven seconds. The LAPS indi-
cator will light when the number of laps is shown.

ÑThis display
shows the speed of the
walking belt and the in-
cline level of the tread-
mill. Every seven sec-
onds, the display will change from one number to
the other; the INCLINE indicator will light when
the incline is shown.

Note: The console can
display distance and
speed in either miles or
kilometers. To see which
unit of measurement is
selected, hold down the
STOP button while inserting the key into the con-
sole. An ТE,У for english miles, or an ТM,У for met-
ric kilometers, will appear in the SPEED/INCLINE
display. To change the unit of measurement,
press the SPEED

button. Then, remove and

reinsert the key.

ÑThis display
shows the approximate
number of calories you
have burned during your
workout. When you use
the pulse sensor, this display will show your heart
rate (see step 6).