Polk Audio AB755 User Manual
Ab s er ie s

If you intend to do the installation yourself we assume that you possess
some skill in the proper use of hand and power tools. You should have a
thorough understanding of local building and fire codes and a familiarity
with the area behind the wall or ceiling where the speakers will be
Wiring inside your walls or ceiling should be done before or in conjunc-
tion with installation of your in-wall speakers. Wire meeting appropriate
building and fire codes must be used. Use at least 18 gauge wire or
heavier. Wiring is best performed by a licensed professional.
1.Your in-wall loudspeakers have been packaged with stylish metal
grilles. However, if a softer or warmer appearance is desired, white
cloth grilles are available for the AB555, AB755 and AB855 loud-
speakers. In some installations you may find cloth grilles to be less
obtrusive on the design of your living space than paintable metal
grilles. Of course cloth grilles should be used with indoor installa-
tions only.
2.Outdoor all-weather grilles are available and required for outdoor
installations. Since the components and hardware used in the AB
Series of loudspeakers can withstand the elements for many years,
the purchase of outdoor grilles will allow the AB Series of loudspeak-
ers to perform reliably in outdoor installations. The AB Loudspeakers
have 1) high efficiency to insure that the higher volumes necessary
for outdoor use can be achieved with even modest amplifiers, and 2)
high power handling to insure that they will perform reliably at the
high levels dictated by outdoor use. The AB loudspeakers are truly at
home indoors as well as out.
If you wish to order optional cloth grilles or outdoor grilles, please call
Polk Audio at 1-800-377-7655.
Dear Music Lover,
Thank you for purchasing Polk Audio speakers. Designing and building
speakers is more than just a business for the people of Polk Audio –
it is our passion. We are all dedicated to your complete satisfaction
and delight.
Your new Polk speakers include the latest loudspeaker technology to
assure outstanding performance and unmatched quality. Please take a
moment to read through this manual for information on getting the
greatest enjoyment from these fine instruments.
We make a wide variety of main, center, rear channel, powered sub-
woofer, and accessory speakers so you can assemble a complete and
well matched high-performance surround sound system. If you would
like more information on building the Polk system of your dreams, con-
sult your Polk Audio dealer or call our Customer Service Department. In
North America call (800) 377-7655, Monday through Friday, 9:00am
through 6:00pm Eastern time.
Matthew S. Polk
Chairman and Co-Founder
P.S.: A wealth of information can also be found on our award-
winning web site: www.polkaudio.com.
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