The door push-button safety switch, Testing the safety switch with an ohmmeter – Paragon Lid/Door Safety Switch User Manual

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Look at the door

switch from above. You

will see a disk with an in-

dentation. When the

switch arm moves into

the indentation, the ele-

ments should turn on.

As you open and close

the door, watch the disk

so that you will under-

stand which direction to

adjust the disk.


Loosen 2 allen

screws that hold the disk

to the door hinge shaft.


Rotate the disk to

change the position of

the indentation. Then

tighten the allen screws.


Repeat step 2 to test

the switch. If the ele-

ments do not turn on

when the switch arm is

in the indentation, then

disconnect the power to

the kiln and look for a

disconnected wire. If the

wiring is okay, replace

the switch. (You can

also test the switch with

an ohmmeter. See in-

structions in the next



Reinstall the switch cover.

The Door Push-Button

Safety Switch

The door safety switch is mounted inside the front of the

switch box.


Program the kiln to fire at full rate so the elements will turn

on and stay on without cycling. (Please consult your manual

to program a full rate.) After the kiln has fired for about a min-

ute, open and close

the door until you

hear a clicking noise.

(The relays click

when they turn the el-

ements on or off.)

The elements should

turn off when the

door is opened 1” -


If you do not hear

the clicking, press the

safety switch button.

If you still do not hear

the clicking, then dis-

connect the power to the kiln and look for a disconnected wire.

If the wiring is okay, replace the switch. (You can also test the

switch with an ohmmeter.

See instructions in the

next column.)


The switch is activated

by the safety switch lever.

Gently bend the lever with

pliers to change how far

the door opens when the

elements turn off.

Bending the lever toward

the switch box increases

the distance the door

opens when the elements turn off.

Testing the Safety Switch

with an Ohmmeter

First, become familiar with the ohmmeter. Touch the ohm-

meter probes together. That is the reading you should get

when the door/lid is closed. An analog (needle indicator) ohm-

meter will show the needle moving all the way over. A digital

meter will show 0 - 14 ohms.

Separate the ohmmeter probes. That is the reading you

should get when the door/lid is open.


UNPLUG kiln/disconnect power.


Remove the door/lid

switch cover.


Place ohmmeter leads on

the two switch terminals.

(Tilt switch: Touch an ohm-

meter probe to the wire in-

side each wire nut.)


Have someone open and

close the door or lid. You

should get continuity on the

ohmmeter when the lid/door is closed. If not, replace or adjust

the switch.

2011 South Town East Blvd.

Mesquite, Texas 75149-1122

800-876-4328 / 972-288-7557

Toll Free Fax: 888-222-6450

[email protected]

The rotary safety switch with door closed.

The rotary safety switch with door open.

A close-up view of the door
push-button safety switch.

Testing the door push-button
safety switch.

Testing the rotary safety switch.

Tightening the allen screws.