Design matters – Panasonic NA-16VX1WGB User Manual

Page 7

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As well as developing ways to produce appliances that use less energy, we also consider how
you use your washing machine every day, and how we can make it easier to use.

uNIQue tIlteD DRum aND laRGe WINDOW

the tilted drum and window makes getting laundry in and out of the machine much easier.
It’s also easier to see into the drum.

eaSY-tO-uSe cONtROl PaNel

the use of universal design principles means that the control panel is easy to read, use and
understand – ensuring correct usage from day one.

laRGe DIGItal lcD PaNel

With a white backlight* (NA-16VxI only) for easy viewing, the large lCd panel displays
important mode status, settings and temperature readings clearly.

ONe-PuSh OPeN buttON

Just a light touch of the open button releases the door – the door can even be opened
when the power is off.

A 10˚ tilted drum makes
it easier to insert
and remove laundry.

Conventional drum

tilted drum


tRulY dIffERENt,

You NEEd to AppRoACH It dIffERENtlY fRoM tHE StARt.

So our designers and engineers work closely together through each stage of product development,
encouraging continuous improvement with

fresh ideas and new concepts.

that’s exactly how this washing machine was created. With its ingenious tilted drum for example,
we were able to build a compact an efficient washing machine that actually saves water.

This manual is related to the following products: