Polaroid 203 User Manual

Page 11

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Miniportrait 203/403 Camera

User Guide



For initial exposure determination, use an
exposure meter. Take a reading and then
set the camera to one of the shutter speed/
lens aperture combinations indicated by the
meter. If the meter indicates a setting for
which the camera cannot be set, then the
lights are too close or too far from the
subject. Adjust them accordingly.

Make a test picture. If exposure correction
is needed, see below.

Make a test picture. If exposure correction
is needed, see below.

Tungsten illumination

With high-speed black and white films, you
can use tungsten lighting. Use lamps
intended especially for photography,
mounted in appropriate reflectors. To avoid
discomfort, keep the lamps at least 2m
(6-7 ft.) from your subject.

See Basic portrait lighting technique.

Exposure correction with electronic flash

If the first picture is too dark

If the first picture is too light

Move lights closer to subject

Use a smaller lens aperture

(see table below)



Move lights farther from subject

Increase light output

(see table below)

(see flash unit instructions)



Decrease light output (see

Use a larger lens aperture

flash unit instructions)

Exposure correction with tungsten lighting

If the first picture is too dark

If the first picture is too light

Move lights closer to subject

Use a smaller lens aperture

(see table below)



Use a faster shutter speed

Use a larger lens aperture



Move lights farther from subject

Use a slower shutter speed


(see table below

Put diffusers over lamps (see
instructions with lighting)

This manual is related to the following products: