La Crosse Technology WS-8010U User Manual
Page 13

2. Press key #2 again, and “RAIN 24h - -.- in” is displayed. This is the
measure of the total number of inches of rainfall over a 24-hour period,
updated daily at 7:00 am local time.
3. To return to the standard DATE DISPLAY of month/date/year, press
key #2.
VI. RAIN GAUGE SET-UP (optional)
The WS-8010U has the optional feature of adding the TX5U Rain Gauge, which
can be purchased through the same dealer as the WS-8010U or by contacting
La Crosse Technology directly. The rain gauge will measure rain as Total Rain in
inches, or as 24-hour Rainfall in inches. The Rain Gauge comes with its own set
of complete instructions, here we will briefly explain how to set-up.
1. Remove batteries from all existing units in operation.
2. Install batteries into all temperature sensors (as per instructions in section
III. A under Features).
3. Install batteries into the Rain Gauge.
4. Install batteries into the Weather Center.
5. Wait for proper reception (see detailed set-up in section I, B).
6. Mount the Rain Gauge in a sturdy position, and in a position that is within
transmission range.
The WS-8010U keeps a record of the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM temperatures
and humidity, and the time and date of their occurrence—for both the indoor and
outdoor records.
1. Press key #3. The forecast icons, the outdoor temperature and humidity,
and the current time and date are no longer displayed. “MIN” is flashing to
the left of where the forecast icon was, the MINIMUM indoor temperature
and humidity, the time and the date of occurrence are all shown in the LCD.
2. Press key #3 while the MINIMUM indoor information is still displayed.
“MAX” is now flashing to the right of where the forecast icon was, the
MAXIMUM indoor temperature and humidity, the time and the date of
occurrence are all shown in the LCD.
3. Press key #3 again, while the MAXIMUM indoor information is still
displayed. The information displayed by the LCD has now shifted from
indoor temperature and humidity to outdoor temperature and humidity. No
data is shown in the Indoor Displays, and “MIN” is flashing to the left of
where the forecast icon was. The MINIMUM outdoor temperature and
humidity, the time and the date of occurrence are all shown in the LCD.