Jam control mode – Line 6 Spider Jam Amp User Manual

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Updated Features


Jam Control Mode

If you toggle the SETTINGS button and set the FBV Mode menu item to Jam Control,

you can control recording functions using an FBV. All Amp Model and FX controls on

the Spider Jam will still be available, as well as the 4 buttons, wheel and 4-way navigator.

In Jam Control Mode, Bank Up/Down and the FBV channel switches operate as follows:

Record/Overdub –

step on Record to begin recording your loop. If you start with

a Song or Drum countoff, recording begins after the count. If you punch in while a track is

playing, recording begins on the nearest beat. Overdub on an existing track at any time.

Play/Stop –

this switch simply plays or stops your loop. On your first pass, when you

initially record your loop, hitting Stop also sets your loop out-point.

Undo/Clear –

step on this switch to undo your last recorded take. To clear a track,

press and hold for a few seconds, then select Clear in the LCD and press Undo again.

1/2 Speed –

step on this switch to play your loop at 1/2 speed. Press it again

to toggle back to normal speed. If you overdub a guitar track at 1/2 speed, then toggle

playback to normal speed, your overdub will play back an octave higher.

Bank Up/Down –

Bank Up loads the next internal recording; Bank Down loads

the previous one. The current recording name will be displayed in the FBV display.

*Note: When an SD track is loaded for playback and overdubbing, Bank Up/Down

will replace it with an internal recording, so be sure any SD track changes are saved.