English, Getting started, Charge your speakerphone – Jabra SP700 User Manual
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Jabra SP700
geTTing sTarTeD
The Jabra SP700 is easy to operate . you should follow three steps
before using your speakerphone
1. Charge your speakerphone
2. Turn your speakerphone on
3. Pair your speakerphone to your mobile phone
Duration of press
Press briefly
approximately 1 sec
Press and hold
approximately 5 sec
Charge your sPeakerPhone
make sure that your speakerphone is fully charged for two hours
before you start using it . use the uSb cable to connect SP700 to
the car charger . Plug the car charger into your car’s power outlet .
The battery Status icon will light up red while charging . When
fully charged the battery Status icon will turn green . SP700 can be
charged outside your car by only using the uSb cable .
use only the chargers provided in the box - do not use chargers
from any other devices as this may damage your speakerphone .