F. miscellaneous – Leisure Time LX20 User Manual

Page 56

background image

Gefs the brighter (Gb) or fainter (Gf) magnitude limit for
the FIND operation.

Command :Sb sMM.M#

:Sf sMM.M#

Returns Ok

Sets the brighter (Sb) or fainter (Sf) magnitude limit for the
FIND operation.

Command :GI#


Returns NNN'#

Gefs the larger (Gl) or smaller (Gs) size limit for the FIND

Command :SI NNN#

:Ss NNN#

Returns Ok

Sets the larger (SI) or smaller (Ss) size limit for the FIND

Command :GF#
Returns NNN'#

Gets the field radius of the FIELD operation.

Command :SF NNN#
Returns Ok

Sets the field radius of the FIELD operation.

Command :LF#


Starts a FIND operation.

Command :LN#


Finds the next object in a FIND sequence.

Command :LB#
Returns Nothing

Finds the previous object in a FIND sequence.

Command :Lf#
Returns (see description)

Performs a FIELD operation returning a string containing
the number of objects in the field and the object that is
closest to the center of the field.

Command :LC NNNN#




Sets the object to the NGC (LC), Messier (LM), or Star
(LS) specified by the number. Planets are "stars" 901-
909. The object type returned for LC and LS commands
depends on which object type has been selected with the
Lo and Ls commands (see below).

Command :LI#
Returns info#

Gefs the current object information.

Command :Lo N#
Returns Ok

Sefs the NGC object library type. 0 is the NGC library, 1 is
the 1C library, and 2 is the UGC library. This operation is
successful only if the user has a version of the software that
includes the desired library.

Command :Ls N#
Returns Ok

Sefs the STAR object library type. 0 is the STAR library, 1
is the SAO library, and 2 is the GCVS library. This
operation is successful only if the user has a version of
the software that includes the desired library.

f. Miscellaneous

Command :B+#






Increases (B+) or decreases (B-) reticle brightness, or
sets to one of the flashing modes (BO, B1, B2, or B3).

Command :F+#






Sfarts focus out (F+), starts focus in (F-), stops focus
change (FQ), sets focus fast (FF), or sets focus slow (FS).

Command :GM#






Gefs SITE name (XYZ). M through N correspond to 1
through 4.

Command :SM XYZ#




Returns Ok

Sefs SITE name.

Command :GT#

Returns TT.T#

Gefs the current track "frequency."

Command :ST TT.T#
Returns Ok

Sefs the current track "frequency."

Command :TM#


Returns Nothing

Switch to manual (TM) or quartz (TM). Increment (T+) or
decrement (T-) manual frequency by one tenth.

Command :D#

Returns (see description)

Gefs the distance "bars'"string.

Command :AL#
:AP# :AA# Returns

Sefs the telescopes alignment type to LAND, POLAR, or

Command :r+# :r-#
Returns Nothing

Turns the field de-rotator on (:r+#) and off (:r-#).

Command :f+# :f-#
Returns Nothing

Turns fhe fan on (:f+#) and off (:f-#).

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