Lexmark 1500 Series User Manual

Page 122

background image

print speed is slow 83
print troubleshooting

blank or incorrect page prints 85
cannot print from digital camera
using PictBridge 96
checking printer readiness 89
duplex unit does not operate
correctly 101
establishing bidirectional
communication 95
flash drive, cannot print from 96
improving print quality 81
ink levels seem incorrect 84
ink levels seem to go down
quickly 85
memory card, cannot print
from 96
partial document or photo
prints 81
partial photo prints when using
PictBridge 97
photo smudges 84
poor quality at the edges of the
page 83
poor text and graphic quality 82
print speed is slow 83
printer is out of paper 95
test page does not print 92
white lines appear in graphics or
black areas 88

printed characters are improperly
formed or not aligned 87

no communication 95

printer cannot communicate over
peer-to-peer network 93
printer does not feed paper,
envelopes, or specialty media 99
printer is out of paper 95
printer plugged in but does not
print 93
printer software

installing 16
reinstalling 68
removing 68
updating 95

printer status

checking 89


all photos from a memory
device 53
banner 39
booklets 37
cards 36
collate 34

custom-size paper 38
document 32
documents or photos from
memory card or flash drive 35
envelopes 36
greeting cards 36
index cards 36
iron-on transfers 38
last page first 34
multiple pages on one sheet 34
network setup page 23
on both sides of the paper 40
Photo Packages 52
photos from CD using the
computer 51
photos from digital camera using
the computer 51
photos from PictBridge-enabled
digital camera 54
photos from Productivity
Studio 52
photos from removable storage
device using the computer 51
photos from the Productivity
Studio 52
photos using DPOF settings 55
postcards 36
poster 37
posters 36
reverse page order 34
test page 91
transparencies 39
two-sided 40, 41
Web page 32
Web page, photos only 33

printing failure error 105
printouts have alternating bands of
light and dark print 87
Productivity Studio

printing photos 52
viewing photos 52

Productivity Studio buttons

Photo Greeting Cards 17
Photo Packages 17
Poster 17
Transfer Photos 17
understanding 17

Productivity Studio,
understanding 17
publications, finding 9


quality settings, checking 91
Quick Fixes tab

using One-Click Auto Fix 49


ready or busy printing is listed as
status 91

WEEE statement 111


automatic reduction 49
manual reduction 49

refilling print cartridges 58
removing print cartridges 57

internal wireless print server to
factory default settings 77
printer to factory default 40

reverse page order 34
rotating photo 48
run the Wireless Setup Utility
(Windows) 80


safety information 2
saving and deleting print
settings 39
searched folders preferences

changing 47

security information 19
security keys 74
setup troubleshooting

duplex light is blinking 64
page does not print 67
power button is not lit 63
power light is blinking 64
software does not install 66

sharpening photo 49

creating and viewing 55

smudging, preventing in photos 84

Productivity Studio 17
removing and reinstalling 68
Solution Center 18

software does not install 66
Solution Center

understanding 18

Solution Center buttons

Advanced 18
How To 18
Maintenance 18
Troubleshooting 18
understanding 18

solving printer communication
problems 68
speed settings, checking 91