Lennox Hearth Screen Face Kit Ravelle 30 User Manual
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Printed in U.s.a. © 2008 Lennox hearth Products
P/n 775,288M reV. a 10/2008
Lennox reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, in design, materials, specifications, prices and also to discontinue colors, styles and products. Consult your local
distributor for fireplace code information.
Lennox hearth Products
1110 west taft avenue • Orange, ca 92865
nOte: DiaGraMs & iLLUstratiOns are nOt tO scaLe
attach left
bracket to right
side of fireplace
Figure 3
step 2. Using a 3/8” socket or nut driver, attach the two upper mounting
brackets to the six studs (three on each side - indicated by arrows
in Figure 5) near the top, using the six #10 washers and 10-24 hex
nuts provided. The square notch should be to the bottom of the
face (see Figure 4).
Figure 4 - Upper Mounting Bracket
the square notch
should be to the
bottom of the face
Figure 5 - Install Upper Mounting Brackets
step 3. Remove the screen doors from the face by gently lifting up and out
of their hinges. Check to make sure the washers that separate the
two halves of the hinge have not fallen off. Set the screen doors
step 4. Using a phillips screwdriver (through upper grill opening) attach
the screen face to the fireplace starting with the upper brackets.
Screw the upper brackets in part way only, you will tighten them in
step 6.
step 5. Open the lower door on the screen face and thread the two 1/4”-20
phillips head screws (provided) through the lower hinge mounts
into the speed nuts on lower face brackets, attached to the fireplace
(see Figure 6).
step 6. Adjust the alignment and depth of the screen face until it sits flush
with the wall and tighten all four mounting screws.
step 7. Finish the installation by putting the screen doors back on their
hinges (check to make sure the was hers are in place). This
completes the screen face Installation.
Figure 6 - Lower Hinge Mounts
Figure 7 - Completed Installation
1/4” screw with Push nut
(the push nut holds the screw in
place when installing face)