Maintaining and servicing your set – Lionel Trains Baby Toy User Manual

Page 19

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Maintaining and servicing your set


No lights or operation
Be sure PowerMax Transformer is plugged in.

Train runs, but WHISTLE/HORN, BELL, and DIRECTION buttons do not work
Check track connections. The track must be connected to the “A” and “U” terminals on the

No change when DIRECTION button is pressed
Be sure that your locomotive reverse unit switch is ON.

Locomotive runs slowly or lights dim at the far end of the track
On larger layouts, additional track resistance may cause a voltage drop. Attach additional
power connections to the remote portion of your track. Power wires (6-12053) are available

Green light begins to flash
The power limit of the Transformer has been exceeded. The unit will gradually reduce power
until the problem is corrected.

Bell button blows whistle
Switch the wire connections at the Transformer terminals. Be sure that the U post is connected
to the outside rail and the A post is connected to the inside rail.

Green light flashing , no power to the track
The Transformer has shutdown because the power limit was exceeded for more than 30 sec-
onds. Move the throttle to the OFF position to reset the Transformer and return to normal