Leupold Hunting Equipment User Manual
Page 4

Leupold Ballistics Aiming System provides a series of aiming points to
improve your ability to shoot accurately at longer ranges. The first aiming
point (the intersection of the Duplex
reticle) is designed to be used at 200
yards with most common cartridges or at 300 yards in several flatter shooting
cartridges designed for longer range use.
The Leupold Ballistics Aiming System provides you with two different power
selector positions, indicated by large and small triangles located within the
magnification level indicators (VX
-7 users: see “Another Way to Sight In”
on page 30). These are provided to allow you to select the hold points best
suited to the cartridge you are using. In some cases, the smaller triangle setting
can be used to accommodate your slower, heavier bullet load, while the
larger triangle can be used to accommodate a faster, lighter bullet load in
the same rifle. The reticle assumes bullets of similar spitzer shape will be
used throughout.
An Overview of the Leupold
Ballistics Aiming System