Lfc 3000 users manual series a, Description – Lincoln LFC 3000 User Manual
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Form 403082
LFC 3000 Users Manual
Series A
The LFC 3000 is a modular fluid management/security
system for service workshops. It provides the shop supervi-
sor with a host of services required for precise manage-
ment of an inventory of products such as oil and antifreeze.
The LFC 3000 maintains the inventory by controlling access
to hoses, precise metering of the products, and accurate
A transaction ticket is printed upon completion of all transac-
tions and an inventory report showing all product levels is
available to the supervisor.
The LFC 3000 will keep up to 1900 transactions in its
protected memory. A transaction historic report keeps track
of all the transactions, classified by users, products or
The modularity of the LFC 3000 makes it adaptable to your
existing workshop and upgradable in the future. It is
comprised of 1 to 8 I/O modules, 1 to 64 data entry keypads,
1 to 16 optional remote displays and 1 optional PC
The I/O module is the operating intelligence. Each I/O
module supports up to 8 counter inputs and controls up to 8
solenoid drivers - this means that the LFC 3000 can operate
up to 64 hose reels all simultaneously. One I/O module can
communicate with 1 to 8 data entry keypads. The I/O module
also supports one additional output for activating or disacti-
vating the main air supply.
The data entry keypad provides access to the system for oil
monitoring and dispensing procedures. Configuration of
the system is also done from the keypad (for installations
without PC). The keypads are all alphanumerical and
equipped with a serial port to provide connection to a serial
The remote display has large 56 mm digits to visualize the
quantity currently dispensed.
The PC interface is available as an option and offers
extended remote transaction memory, computer interfacing
and the possibility to control up to 24 I/O units - which
means 192 outlets. A complete management software
package is supplied with the PC interface. The software is
Windows compatible and does not require a dedicated PC.
To initiate a transaction, a personal identification number
(PIN) must be entered via the data entry keypad. Any keypad
can communicate with any I/O module. A job number, a hose
number and the preset amount must be entered. The
technician then begins dispensing the product. The amount
of product dispensed is displayed on the remote display.
When a transaction ends, a transaction ticket is printed on
the printer, and the appropriate inventory is reduced by the
amount dispensed. Transactions will also end whenever
dispensing stops for a certain time period.
The transaction ticket contains all data relevant to the
transaction including the job number, the product name, the
amount dispensed, the mechanics name, the hose used,
the type of transaction, the time and date and the remaining
inventory of the dispensed product.
The LFC 3000 controls up to 64 hoses and can maintain an
inventory of up to 8 tanks. The system can be configured for
use with pulse meters that are single channel or quadrature
(w&m approved).
Access to functions such as configuration and report
printing is restricted to different security levels; a supervisor
code must be entered before these functions can be used.
The supervisor can select the language that will be used
throughout the system.
The LFC 3000 is provided with a battery backed RAM to
store up to 1900 completed transactions to guard against
data loss in the event of a power failure.
Transaction ticket:
Audit trail of all completed jobs
Stock level:
Stock level of each product tank
with minimum stock level
Product delivery:
Details of all deliveries entered
into the system, date and quantity -
and stock corrections.
Transaction reports:
Product report - usage and totals
Hose reports - usage and totals
User report - usage and totals
All transactions - usage and totals
(data retrieved from system
Alarm ticket:
If a high level warning switch is
fitted to the waste oil collection
tank, a ticket is printed
immediately as a warning
Tank low level warning:
When the minimum tank level is
reached, a warning ticket is
Job report:
Report review by job number for
different grades against the same
job number and from one date to
another (PC level only).
License plate report:
Historic report by license plate
number (PC level only)
Keeps track of the system
configuration for reconfiguration
and after sales service.
All the above reports are available to be printed
except where shown as PC level only. When a PC
is incorporated, all reports can be viewed on
screen before printing.