English manual – Lindy 32451 User Manual

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English Manual



• Remote Access Power Strip with remote management function via IP

• Switch one or all outlets using HTML commands or via a web browser

• Supports 4 or 8 users + 1 administrator; users have individual access rights

• Easy to use browser interface permanently shows the outlet status, and allows easy switching

• Supports a switch cycle with a user definable time interval - from 1 sec to 10 hours

• Automatic logout after user definable time interval - from 20 sec to 1 hour

Packing List

(8 Port Model in brackets)

• 1 x Power Strip + User Manuals + CD

• 4(8) x mains cables, OUTPUT IEC-320 male – IEC-320 female approx. 1.8m

• 1(2) x mains cables, INPUT Schuko male – IEC-320 female approx. 1.8m

• 1 x Serial RS-232 cable, RJ-10 to D9-female, approx. 2m


The 4 port power strip is rack mountable in a 19”, 1U bay. The 8 port model can be mounted vertically. The
brackets can be adjusted to almost any position for maximum flexibility when installing.

Components and Elements


Programming block (covered by protective plate)


Serial RJ-10 socket for terminal program access (initial setup)


Ethernet RJ-45 socket


Link / Activity LED


Link / Activity LED


Status LED for INPUT voltage 1


Status LED’s for OUTPUT voltage 1-4


Outlets 1-4 (230V AC)


INPUT 1 (230V AC)

Initial Setup

Network Address

(Release 8/2004 V1.18)

The power strip comes with the DHCP setting enabled as default. To use the power strip in non DHCP networks
the IP address must be set manually, via an RS-232 serial connection to a computer running a terminal program.
The IP address is required to identify the power strip on your LAN.

Note: The terminal program must be configured with the following settings:
Baud rate: 9600, Stop bits: 1, Parity: none; Handshake: off.

a) Use the supplied serial RS-232 cable (D9-f to RJ-10) to connect
the computer to the power strip. Launch the terminal program. After
pressing Return, the input menu opens up.
b) To change from DHCP to fixed IP mode, select (1) DHCP. The
menu will show the information “DHCP: n”.
c) Now edit the IP-Number, the Netmask and the Default Gateway
settings. (Ask your network administrator for the correct settings).
d) When you have edited all settings select (5) Save. To make the
new settings effective select (6) Reboot. After you have rebooted
the power strip, it will only be available using the new network
settings - the current terminal window will not respond!

8 port model only (No. 32451):

Status LED f for INPUT voltage 2.1-2.4


Outlets 2.1-2.4 (230V AC)


INPUT 2 (230V AC)

English Manual


Connection to the mains power

The power strip is powered by

INPUT 1 (9). Attach the supplied power cable to INPUT 1, and then to the mains.

The correct power status is displayed by the


immediately show the status of

OUTLETS 1-4 (8). For the 8 port model, the OUTLETS 2.1-2.4 (10) are powered


INPUT 2. This provides support for devices with redundant power supplies, powered from different AC



(Release 8/2004 V1.18)

The power strip includes a web server which is available via IP
access, using a web browser on your network. Type the IP address
in your web browser window and the power strip will display the login

The first time you access the power strip you must log in as admin -
Username: admin, Password: admin

The power strip displays a
graphical user interface where the single outlets can be switched. Further
settings can be made via the top menu list: Outlets, Network*, User*,
Update*, Logout
(* only available for admin).

The power status of each outlet is displayed graphically via
illuminated LED’s next to each socket (red=ON, dark=OFF). You
can select the switch buttons, which also display the action to be
taken. The name and duration time can be changed by editing the
values. When selecting the buttons “All” or “Off”, the outlets will
be switched accordingly.

The power strip web server provides for up to 4 or 8 users, each
with individual access rights and passwords. The administrator can
edit users via the top menu item “User”. The box “Select User”
allows one of the available preset users to be selected. Names and
passwords can be edited here, and access rights to each outlet
can be set by clicking “Allowed Outlets”. To make changes
effective the “submit” button has to be clicked – the power strip
will reboot. Now when a user accesses the power strip he can only
access and change values of the sockets for which he is permitted.

The administrator can

change the IP settings via the menu item - “Network”. To make the
new settings effective click the “Reboot” button. When you have
rebooted the power strip it will only be available using the new network
settings. The administrator can edit the default logout time (60 sec.) to
any value from 20 sec to 1 hour.

The power strip also can be switched via HTML commands (httpget)

Please see the following syntax examples:

http://ip/switch?s=0 (display status

The following parameters can be used - ip: ipaddress // user: username // passwd: password // n: outlet number to
switch // func: on or off or pulse or toggle*.

*Toggle is delayed switching (not available from the browser menu)
while pulse is a single switch cycle