LEICA 2 User Manual

Page 18

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Getting started with new equipment

GPS Equipment User Manual -2.0.0en

Measuring with the default configuration parameters, continued

As soon as you are tracking a mini-
mum of 4 satellites, the position icon
is visible and the antenna is placed
correctly above the survey marker,
you should press F1 OCUPY.

This activates logging of raw data
and the screen changes accordingly:

The position mode icon has changed
to static, indicated by a symbol of a

A new icon is now displayed which
indicates that raw data is logged.

Raw data (containing pseudorange
and phase measurements to each
tracked satellite) is logged at
predefined intervals (usually every 10
to 15 seconds, depending on the
Observation Recording Rate set in
your currently used configuration

Enter a Point Id by filling in the input
field. If you make a typing error
correct the mistake by pressing the
CE key (Clear Entry). Complete the
input by pressing ENTER.

It is time to check again the icons on
the top of the display: The


Mode icon should be available, the
Position Mode icon still indicates
"moving" , the

Number of visible

satellites icon should display a
number greater or at least 4, and the
number of used satellites should be
identical to the number of visible