Ez r – Life Fitness R7i User Manual

Page 21

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This program simulates an outdoor cycling terrain by setting different hills, or intensity levels, throughout the
course. Hills #1 and #2 simulate going downhill. Hill #3 simulates riding on a flat road. Hills #4 and above simulate
climbing, with each hill matching a progressive degree of difficulty. Hills last between 30 and 60 seconds,
depending on the workout duration.



In this workout, the gradual changes in resistance are extremely subtle, lowering perceived exertion. The
cardiovascular workout is effective, efficient, and enjoyable at the same time.

The program consists of one hill. The user determines the elevation of the peak during the setup. This peak is
reached after 75 percent of the workout is completed. Afterward, the incline gradually returns to zero percent.



The FAT BURN workout is designed to maintain a user’s heart rate at 65 percent of the theoretical maximum


optimal results. Throughout the workout, the user grasps the Lifepulse sensors (R9i only) or wears a chest strap.
On the R9i, the WORKOUT PROFILE WINDOW displays a heart shape, and the MESSAGE CENTER displays a
prompt to grip the sensors (R9i only) or wear the Polar heart rate chest strap. The console continuously monitors
and displays the heart rate, adjusting the intensity level of the Lifecycle Recumbent Exercise Bike to reach and
maintain the target*. This system eliminates over- and under-training, and it maximizes the aerobic benefits of
exercise by using the body’s fat stores for fuel.



The CARDIO workout is virtually identical to FAT BURN; however the target heart rate is calculated at 80 percent
of the theoretical maximum. As with FAT BURN, the user grasps the Lifepulse sensors (R9i only) or wears a chest
strap throughout the CARDIO workout. The higher target promotes cardiovascular improvement by placing a
heavier workload on the heart muscle.

Defined by the American College of Sports Medicine’s “Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription” as being equal to 220 minus an

individual’s age.

*Target Heart Rate (THR) is a percentage of the theoretical maximum. For example, a 40-year-old user’s recommended THR for the FAT BURN
workout is 117. The FAT BURN workout targets 65 percent of the maximum, so the equation would be (220-40)*.65=117.