Life Fitness Fitness Electronics User Manual
Page 14

4.1 W
Selecting a Life Fitness workout is as easy as pressing a key. The following are preprogrammed
workouts for this Life Fitness product.
QUICK WORKOUT is the fastest way to begin exercising. It allows starting a manual workout
with minimal console input.
FAT BURN is a workout offering a low intensity way to burn fat. The heart rate chest strap or
Lifepulse Sensors (CT 9500HR) must be used. The Fat Burn workout automatically changes the
resistance level to maintain the heart rate at 65% of theoretical maximum.
CARDIO is a higher intensity workout emphasizing cardiovascular benefits and maximum fat
burning for more fit users. The heart rate chest strap or Lifepulse Sensors (CT 9500HR) must be
used. The Cardio workout will automatically change the resistance level to maintain the heart
rate at 80% of theoretical maximum.
HILL is an interval training workout consisting of a combination of hills and valleys proven to
provide effective, time-efficient cardiovascular results.
RANDOM is an interval training workout of varying resistance levels which occur randomly with
each exercise session.
MANUAL is a constant effort workout in which the user can change resistance level or speed at
any time.
CROSS-TRAIN AEROBICS is a versatile workout which acts like a personal trainer, prompting
the user to try pushing, pulling, total body, lower body, speed changes, and forward/reverse
motion. This workout allows maximum cross-training benefits.
CROSS-TRAIN REVERSE is a workout alternating forward motion (5 minutes) and backward
motion (2 minutes), thereby cross-training different muscle groups.