Lennox Hearth D2 User Manual

Page 20

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LaCie d2 SCSI AIT Drive

The Problem

Questions to Ask

Possible Solutions

The drive is not recognized.

Is there a conflict with other device

Contact LaCie Technical Support.

drivers or extensions?

Does your computer’s configuration meet Check

section 2.1

Minimum System

the minimum system requirements for use Requirements.
with this drive?

Are you powering on the SCSI peripherals You must power on all SCSI
before the computer?

peripherals connected to your
computer before turning on the
computer. Otherwise, the SCSI
peripherals will not be recognized.

Is the drive’s SCSI ID number the same as Check the ID numbers of all devices in
that of another device on the SCSI chain? your SCSI chain and change them if

necessary. Each device must have an
individual number, i.e. if you had an
external CD-RW, a Hard Drive and
Tape drive connected on the same
SCSI chain, you would have the
CD-RW ID set at 1, the Hard Drive set
at 2 and the Tape drive at 3, or

Is the terminator on the drive set correctly? Check the terminator. It should be

attached for an LVD/Wide drive only
if it is the last device in your SCSI
chain. Otherwise, it should not be

Are the pins and holes in the SCSI

Turn off your computer and SCSI

connectors straight and not deformed?

peripherals and check the cables and
connectors. Replace the cables if