Lowrance electronic 350c User Manual

Page 36

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You can look up and down the list by pressing and dragging the blue

slider bar to the right. You can select any individual instruction on-screen

for more detailed information. This screen is called a Turn Preview.
If Turn Preview is on, the Directions list will be displayed automatically

when the GPS is lost. This could occur when driving through a tunnel or

in a parking garage.
Auto Zoom (On/Off)
The iWAY has an Auto Zoom feature which attempts to show you the

most map detail possible as you navigate along a route. While the moving

map shifts to track your current position, the Auto Zoom will zoom the

map in and out based on your speed and the distance to your next turn.
If it’s turned on, the Auto Zoom takes control any time the map cursor is-
n't showing. When the map cursor is up, you can use Zoom In, Zoom Out

and the Zoom Selection Box to control the zoom level. As soon as you Clear

Cursor, though, Auto Zoom will automatically recalculate the zoom level.
If you would prefer to manually control the zoom level of your map dis-

play, you can toggle the Auto Zoom feature off by choosing






the Options Menu. You can turn this feature back on in the same way.
Overlay Data Setup
Overlay Data are the text boxes that appear over your map display con-

taining information such as the distance to your destination and the

instructions for your next turn.
You can choose which information you want to appear as Overlay Data,

as well as its location on the screen. To do this, from the Options Menu








. The first screen that appears is the Overlay

Data Shown screen, showing your current setup. You can choose any

item in the list to change its font size or location.

Use the Overlay Data Shown screen to modify Overlay Data.