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Page 4: The windows xp desktop

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Wireless Internet Keyboard and Mouse

Some PCs are supplied with this type of keyboard

Connecting to the computer:

• Make sure the computer is turned off.
• Plug the receiver unit leads into the keyboard

and mouse ports at the back of the PC.

• Try to locate the receiver unit away from any electrical

devices, including the PC.

• Turn on the computer.


• Insert two AA batteries inside the battery

compartment of the keyboard.

• Insert two AAA batteries inside the battery

compartment of the mouse.

The Location of Keyboard and Mouse ID setting:

• The receiver unit ID switch is on the top of the receiver.
• The keyboard ID switch is on the underside of the keyboard.
• The mouse ID switch is on the underside of the mouse.

To initialize the keyboard and mouse:

• For best results make sure the receiver and mouse/keyboard are close together.
• Press and release the receiver unit ID switch.
• Then within five seconds press and release the keyboard ID switch.
• Press and release the receiver unit ID switch.
• Then within five seconds press and release the Mouse ID switch.

! Note: If either the mouse or keyboard are not working, repeat all steps from
the beginning.

Check that the batteries are correctly installed. Please replace batteries if necessary.

! NOTE: The model shown above may not be the model provided with your PC. For further
information refer to the keyboard and mouse setup guide included with your order.

The Windows XP Desktop

After preparing Windows and setting up your Internet account, your Desktop will look
something like this.

! NOTE: To speed things up a bit, from now on, if you are not advised specifically to Double
Click with the mouse, or Right Click, then assume all Clicks are single Left Clicks, which are
performed with the Left Mouse Button.

Everything Starts from the Desktop:

With the mouse, click the ‘Start’ button to bring up a menu of programs and applications.
If you cannot see the program you want in this menu, click on ‘All Programs’ to reveal the rest
of the programs and further menus.

If you move the mouse over an icon or button on the desktop and without clicking leave the
mouse to hover a Windows Popup will give you information about what it is, these Popups are
called Screen Tips.