Lancom Systems 3550 User Manual
Page 13

LANCOM 3550 Wireless
Chapter 1: Introduction
As an alternative to the ISDN or analog backup method, a UMTS/HSPDA con-
nection can assure the availability of the data connection. If the connection to
the Internet is established by a router with LANCOM UMTS/VPN Option, the
UMTS/HSPDA connection can directly replace the DSL connection in the case
of a breakdown. The advantages of the UMTS/HSPDA backup solution com-
pared to the ISDN/analog option:
Faster than ISDN/analog: the data rate with UMTS/HSPDA is considerably
Safer than ISDN or analog: if a physical damage of the DSL line is the rea-
son for the breakdown, the ISDN/analog line usually breaks down as well
because both use the same physical line.
Cheaper than ISDN: the monthly charges for an UMTS/HSPDA account
depend upon the tariff well under the charges for an ISDN account. Com-
pared to the short time of breakdown of a DSL connection, the higher
connection tariffs for the UMTS/HSPDA are not relevant.
Adding the UMTS/HSPDA backup to existing installations is often simply an
issue of adding devices with LANCOM UMTS/VPN Option to existing LANCOM
devices. In complicated scenarios an existing ISDN backup in a VPN router can
be extended by the UMTS/HSPDA backup in a second device. In this case, the
routers will exchange the information about accessible routes using the
“Routing Information Protocol“ (RIP).
A sophisticated backup system for protection against router hardware failure
can be implemented by using VRRP. Two or more routers are installed in a net-
work, one of which can replace the other in case of device failure. In addition
to normal VRRP, LANCOM devices can link the backup event triggering func-
tion to the availability of a data connection. With this additional feature,
Internet connection over DSL
Brach office with VPN over DSL
and backup over UMTS/HSPDA
VPN connection to headquarters
Backup connection over