Linn AV Loudspeaker User Manual
Page 19

s e t t i n g u p t h e A V 5 1 4 0 a n d A V 5 1 2 0
U n p a c k i n g
Each AV 5140 or AV 5120 loudspeaker comes in a box with the following
A terminal key, for removing the loudspeaker terminals.
Four tri-wire links (AV 5140) and two bi-wire links (AV 5120).
Four red and four black banana plugs (AV 5140), two red and two
black banana plugs (AV 5120).
Eight spiked feet with locking nuts (AV 5140), or four rubber feet
(AV 5120).
This manual.
In addition, each AV 5140 loudspeaker is supplied with:
A stand, which can be attached to the loudspeaker.
Eight cap screws and washers, to attach the stand.
A full-length grille, which can be attached to the front of the loudspeaker,
is available as an optional extra (Linn part numbers: 5140 GRILLE and
5120 GRILLE).
We recommend you retain the packaging in case you need to transport
the loudspeakers at a later date.
P o s i t i o n i n g AV 5 1 4 0 l o u d s p e a k e r s
Positioning the AV 5140 loudspeakers near a rear wall
The rear-facing bass unit allows the AV 5140 loudspeakers to be
positioned much closer to a wall, or to the corner of a room, than
conventional loudspeakers, without degrading the bass performance.
Because bass frequencies are not directional, the rear-facing bass unit
sounds as immediate and direct as the front-facing bass unit in most
conventional loudspeakers, and it is hard to believe that the sound is not
coming from the front of the loudspeaker.
They will produce good bass performance even when positioned as close
as 150mm (6") from a rear wall. If positioned in a corner they should be at
least 150mm (6") from each wall:
The spacing between the AV 5140 loudspeakers should be about two
thirds of the width of the room, and this should be about the same as the
distance from your listening position to each speaker. They will also
benefit from being angled in slightly towards the listener.
setting up the A
5140 and A