Linksys WVC54G-UK User Manual
Page 25

Chapter 6: Installing and Using the Wireless-G Internet Video Camera Viewer & Recorder Utility
Wireless-G Internet Video Camera
Chapter 6: Installing and Using the Wireless-G Internet Video
Camera Viewer & Recorder Utility
This chapter will instruct you on how to install and use the Wireless-G Internet Video Camera Viewer & Recorder
Utility on your PC. The Utility allows you to easily view and record the Camera’s video.
If the Wireless-B Internet Video Camera Viewer & Recorder Utility has already been installed on your PC, Linksys
recommends that you uninstall it before you install the Wireless-G Internet Video Camera Viewer & Recorder
Utility (this Utility will also work with Wireless-B Internet Video Cameras).
Installing the Viewer & Recorder Utility
1. On the Welcome or Congratulations screen of the Setup Wizard, click the Install Viewer & Recorder Utility
2. The Welcome screen will appear. Click the Next button to proceed.
Figure 6-1: Install Viewer & Recorder Utility Screen
Figure 6-2: Install Viewer & Recorder Utility -
Welcome Screen
NOTE: To view video using a web browser, you must use Internet Explorer version 5.5 or higher. The
View Video feature will not work with Netscape. Netscape users should use the Viewer & Recorder
Utility instead.