Recipes, Standard accessories accessory blades – L'Equip PROFESSIONAL 306700 User Manual

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Chopping Blade
Chops raw and cooked vegetables, fruit and
berries. Purees baby food. Crushes ice cubes
or nuts. Blends smoothies, ice drinks and milk
shakes. Can be used for all heavy ingredients.

Aerator Blade
Beats and blends egg-whites and cream. Aerates
shakes and sauces. Whips soups. Use for
everything that needs to be light and fluffy.

Mixing Blade
Stirs and mixes drinks. Emulsifies salad
dressings and mayonnaise. Mixes cakes, batters
and dough. Use for all mixtures with a thick or
creamy consistency.

Mincing Blade
The mincing blade is designed to mince raw or
cooked meats and vegetables with coarse fibers.

Standard Accessories

Accessory Blades



All parts which come in contact with food are stainless steel, rust proof,
tasteless, and resistant to corrosive food items.



Stick Blender

Stick Blender


Whipped Cream

⅓ cup whipping cream
2 Tbsp sugar
½ tsp vanilla

Cream should be as cold and fresh as possible.
Pour into tall, narrow, dry container. Use aerator
blade. Hold blender accessory in cream. Switch
on. While blender is working, draw it slowly at
an angle towards the rim. Repeat this motion
carefully. Occasionally hold the aerator just
under the surface. By holding the aerator at an
angle, air is beaten into the liquid with every
turn. Do not work too quickly. In a short time
you will have aerated whipped cream, which
will keep its shape. Add sugar and vanilla only
at the end.

Whipped Topping

from Non-Fat Milk

⅓ cup ice cold skim milk
½ tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp sugar or sugar substitute (or to taste)

Pour milk into tall narrow container. Using
aerator blade hold unit on bottom of container
for 3 seconds without moving it. Slowly draw up
the contents towards the rim of the container.
Repeat this process (drawing up and down) until
milk is stiffly whipped. Do not allow the blade
to completely surface. Turn off the machine,
then add vanilla, sugar or sweetener. Continue
to whip to incorporate these ingredients. Serve

Note: To maintain thick consistency for a longer
period, add 1 Tbsp of gelatin powder, vanilla
pudding power or a flavored jello powder.

Milk Shake

½ cup milk
1 cup ice cream
Flavoring: 1 Tbsp strawberries, raspberries,
chocolate sauce, fresh banana or any flavoring
of your choice.

Use chopping blade. Place milk and ice cream
in glass until desired thickness is achieved.
Then add flavoring of choice and mix.

Ambrosia Fruit Dip

1 small jar marshmallow cream
1 pkg spreadable cream cheese
5 Tbsp whip cream

Whip together with aerator blade. Refrigerate.
Serve with fresh fruit.

Flawless Hollandaise Sauce

4 egg yolks
½ tsp salt
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1 dash hot pepper sauce
¼ lb butter, melted

In saucepan with mixing blade, blend all
ingredients except butter. Now heat to a
bubbling stage then add melted butter.

Poppy Seed Loaf

½ cup instant vanilla pudding mix
1 lemon cake mix
1 cup warm water
½ cup cooking oil
½ cup dry poppy seeds
1 tsp vanilla

With mixing blade, beat all ingredients in large
mixing bowl until smooth. Pour into two small
loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for about 1 hour.
You may top with thin glaze of powdered sugar
and water.