LevelOne WPC-0301 User Manual
Page 12

3. Follow the Install Shield Wizard Instructions. Click “Next” to continue and finish it.
The installation program will help you to setup the Wireless LAN utility. Be noted that the Windows
XP and Vista have its own Wireless Utility; you can either use the utility of Windows XP/Vista
or the provided utility.
When the Wireless LAN Adapter utility is installed properly, you will see the icon on the Windows task
bar. The user can configure the wireless settings using the Wireless Adapter Configuration Utility.
Double-click the utility icon that appears in the taskbar
When the icon in the toolbar represents in full blue color then the signal strength has an excellent
performance with the AP, if it represents in half blue color then the signal strength has a fair
performance with the AP, and if the icon represents in low blue, then the signal strength has a worst
performance with the wireless station.
Excellent Wireless Signal Strength
Adequate Wireless Signal Strength
Low Wireless Signal Strength
Wireless Card inactive