Outgoing rules – LevelOne WBR-3407 User Manual
Page 68

Advanced Features
This determines whether packets covered by this rule are logged. Select
the desired action.
• Always - always log traffic considered by this rule, whether it
matches or not. (This is useful when debugging your rules.)
• Never - never log traffic considered by this rule, whether it matches
or not.
• Match - Log traffic only it matches this rule. (The action is
determined by this rule.)
• Not Match - Log traffic which is considered by this rule, but does
not match (The action is NOT determined by this rule.)
Outgoing Rules
This screen is displayed when the "Add" or "Edit" button for Outgoing Rules is clicked.
Figure 60: Outbound Services Screen
Data - Outbound Rules Screen
Outbound Services
Select the desired Service or application to be covered by this rule. If the
desired service or application does not appear in the list, you must define
it using the "Services" menu option
Select the desired action for packets covered by this rule:
• BLOCK always
• BLOCK by schedule, otherwise Allow
• ALLOW always
• ALLOW by schedule, otherwise Block
• Any outbound traffic which is not blocked by rules you create will
be allowed by the Default rule.
• ALLOW rules are only useful if the traffic is already covered by a
BLOCK rule. (That is, you wish to allow a subset of traffic which is
currently blocked by another rule.)