LevelOne ViewCon KVM-0850 User Manual

Page 50

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KVM-0850/1650 IP KVM switch

Drive Redirection Settings


Start Drive Redirection

1. Enter the IP address of KVM-0850/1650 into the field of Device.
2. Select the local drive you want to share with the remote computer, which could be

Floppy disc, DC-ROMs, USB-Sticks and hard drives.

3. The number of the Port field is fixed as “443”


Please be cautious that if “Allow Write Support” is selected, all data on the shred media

might be destroyed.

4. The factory default Username is “super” and the default Password is “pass”
5. Click Connect button for connection. “Successfully Connected!” shows on the bottom

when it is done.


This manual is related to the following products: