Klaxon CMC4 MMI User Manual
Electronic siren control methods

Klaxon Signals Limited
Wrigley Street, Oldham
Lancashire, UK OL4 1HW
T. +44 (0)161 287 5555
F. +44 (0)161 287 5511
E. [email protected]
w. www.klaxonsignals.com
Electronic Siren Control Methods
The CMC4 MMI unit provides a means of siren control and
interrogation for a single siren system.
◗ Control of up to 4 alarm signals & 4 pre-recorded messages.
◗ Microphone input connector for live voice messages.
◗ Silent test activation facility and test results displayed
on the 2 line LCD.
◗ Communication link to the siren is via an RS485 interface.
◗ Power for the unit is provided by the RS485 interface.
◗ Key operated switch to disable signal & voice activation
The CMC500 MMI unit provides a means of control and
interrogation required for a multiple siren system.
◗ Control of up to 16 alarm signals & 230 pre-recorded messages.
◗ Microphone input connector for live voice messages.
◗ LED display unit.
◗ User controllable alarm signal & message volume control.
◗ User controllable alarm signal & message repetition rate
◗ User controllable siren group control.
◗ Siren silent test activation facility and test results displayed
on the 2 line LCD.
◗ Communication link to the siren is via an RS485 interface.
◗ Power for the unit is provided by an integral re-chargeable
battery pack.
◗ Multi-user identification & control restriction
The software which operates under Microsoft windows allows the
means of control and interrogation required for a multiple siren
◗ Control of up to 16 alarm signals & 230 pre-recorded messages.
◗ Live voice control facility.
◗ Siren silent test activation facility and test results displayed.
◗ User definable legends.
◗ Master volume control.
◗ User definable siren group allocation.
◗ Event & test logs.
Talos 20 Software MMI Console