Kiss pc-link, Network settings, Accessing your files kiss kml start page – KiSS Networked Entertainment DP-558 User Manual
Page 16

KiSS PC-Link
KiSS PC-Link is the software provided with your DP-558. Once the connection established between your DP-558 and your PC, load your Audio, Video and Picture content located on your
PC to KiSS PC-Link to play/see them on your television.
- KiSS PC-Link can only be used on a Windows PC running at least Windows XP.
- If you are a Mac user and running at least Mac OS X 10.2, you can download KiSS MacLink from our website as an alternative to KiSS PC-Link.
- If you have a network of PCs running KiSS PC-Link, they can be selected from your player by selecting SEARCH FOR PC-LINK HOST
Network settings
Once the connection has been validated, start KiSS PC-Link. The program is divided into Video, Audio and Picture files. Load the
files to be shared by clicking ADD or SEARCH if you want the software to look for the files itself. Do not quit KiSS PC-Link, it
must stay on on your PC for sharing to happen. Once this is done, press MENU on your remote, go to PC-LINK and choose AUDIO,
VIDEO or PICTURE FILES. The files shared on your PC are now available to be played or copied on your Player. You can copy a
whole folder to KiSS PC-Link by dragging it on the software's window on your PC.
The DP-558 can access any KiSS enabled web page (web pages that uses KML) on the entire internet. This way it is possible to
go to 3rd party webpages not created by KiSS. This could be news services, games, radio stations or other. To do so, you have
to know the so-called IP address of the page you want to visit (4 numbers separated by dots). These IP Addresses can be found
on the Internet. When you have an IP Address of a KML page press MENU on your remote, go to PC-LINK and select ENTER IP
ADDRESS FOR PC-LINK HOST. Enter the IP Address and press OK. Then go to PC-LINK KML START PAGE to view the web page.If
you get an error message while going to PC-LINK KML START PAGE, that means that the IP Adress you provided does not contain
anything a KiSS Player can display. This feature is for future use.
Accessing your files
KiSS KML Start Page
KiSS PC-Link is a software to be installed on a Windows PC enabling you to view and play audio, video and picture files from a
connected PC on the DVD Player. KiSS PC-Link can only be installed on a Windows PC running Windows XP or later.
Installing KiSS PC-Link: Insert the KiSS PC-Link CD in your PC. The installation software will start automatically. Follow
the on-screen instructions until installation is complete. A shortcut will be created on your desktop. Double click it to start the
KiSS PC-Link
Set up PC-Link host IP address manually
113 Hrs free
Mon 01 Nov 2004 12:00
0 Scheduled Recordings
Main Menu
Audio Files
Video Files
Picture Files
PC-Link KML Start Page
Search for PC-Link host
Enter IP address of PC-Link host
Enter IP address of PC-Link host
Custom local KML start page: Opens http://(PC-Link):8888/index.kml
113 Hrs free
Mon 01 Nov 2004 12:00
0 Scheduled Recordings
Main Menu
Audio Files
Video Files
Picture Files
PC-Link KML Start Page
Search for PC-Link host
Enter IP address of PC-Link host
In order for PC-Link to work, your PC must be connected to your DVD Player by the ethernet connection found at the back of
the player. Please refer to the PC TO DVD CONNECTION chapter of this manual for extra help. To valid the connection, you can
either press MENU on your remote, go to PC-LINK, select ENTER IP ADDRESS OF PC-LINK HOST and enter the IP address found
in the info tab of KiSS PC-Link, or you can press MENU on your remote, go to PC-LINK, select SEARCH FOR PC-LINK HOSTS and
pick your server from the list of available servers.