Cw reverse (receive), Rise/decay times, Semi break-in – Kenwood TS-870S User Manual

Page 37: Full break-in, 6 communicating, Setting delay time

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1 Select CW mode by pressing [CW/–R].

“CW” lights.

2 Press [VOX] to switch ON the Break-in function.

“VOX” and either “SEMI” or “FULL” lights
depending on whether Semi or Full Break-in was
last selected.

3 If “SEMI” lights, press [FULL/SEMI] to toggle to the

FULL status.

“FULL” lights.

4 Send CW.

The transceiver switches automatically to
transmit each time the key closes; however, it
returns to receive mode immediately when the
key opens.


Full Break-in cannot be used with the TL-922/922A amplifier.

During split-frequency Full Break-in operation, you may hear
clicks depending on the transmit and receive frequency

The position of the DELAY control is ignored while using Full

If using Full Break-in CW, the internal antenna tuner can be
bypassed completely or can be in-line for both transmitting and
receiving. To protect the antenna tuner relay, the tuner cannot be
used only for transmitting.


This function switches receive from the default upper
sideband to the lower sideband, therefore, interference
that is heard may be eliminated. When your receive
frequency is identical to the transmit frequency of the
other station, the CW Reverse function has no effect on
receive tone or your transmit frequency.

Press [CW/–R] to select CW Reverse.

“CW” and “R” light.


The rise time of a CW signal is the time for the RF
output to rise to its maximum power after the key is
closed. This time excludes the make delay that occurs
after closing the key but before the RF output actually
begins to increase. You can adjust the CW rise time for
the TS-870S via Menu No. 23 (CW RISE). The default
is 4 ms. This adjustment also affects the decay time.
The decay time excludes the short break delay from the
moment when the key opens to when the RF output
begins to fall.

The default setting is fine for low to moderate keying
speeds and normal weighting (dot/dash ratios). The
2 ms setting is good for higher CW speeds or when
operating with unusual dot/dash ratios. The available
rise time selections include 2, 4, 6, and 8 ms.


Semi Break-in allows you to transmit without manually
switching between transmit and receive modes. When
the key contacts open, the transceiver automatically
waits for the time period to pass that you have selected
via the DELAY control. The transceiver then returns to
the receive mode.

1 Select CW mode by pressing [CW/–R].

“CW” lights.

2 Press [VOX] to switch ON the Break-in function.

“VOX” and either “SEMI” or “FULL” lights
depending on whether Semi or Full Break-in was
last selected.

3 If “FULL” lights, press [FULL/SEMI] to toggle to the

SEMI status.

“SEMI” lights.

4 Send CW.

The transceiver switches automatically to
transmit and mutes the receiver each time the
key closes. After the key opens, the transceiver
returns to receive mode after a delay.

Setting Delay Time

The delay time is the length of time that the
transceiver remains in transmit mode after the key is
opened. This time should be set based on your
keying speed and your personal preference.

While sending using Semi Break-in, adjust the
DELAY control for the delay you prefer. The control
has a range from 50 ms ~ 800 ms in steps of 50 ms.


The range and step size of the DELAY control differ
depending on the operating mode selected.

Setting the delay time by computer overrides any setting of
the DELAY control. The control then has no effect. To
restore functionality to the DELAY control, turn the control.
The newly selected setting becomes effective.


Full Break-in returns the transceiver to the receive mode
as soon as the key contacts open. It’s possible to hear
if another station wants to interrupt, and it also allows
you to hear interference that may begin after you start