Cd/audio file/external disc control features – Kenwood DNR-1000U User Manual

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CD/Audio file/External disc control features

Random Play

Play all the songs on the disc or Audio file folder in
random order.

Press the [RDM] button.
Each time you press the button, Random Play turns
ON or OFF.
When the Random mode is ON, "DISC RDM"/"FOLD
RDM"/"RDM ON" is displayed.

• When you push the Control knob toward [

¢], the next

random song starts.

Function of disc changer

Magazine Random Play

Play the songs on all the discs in the disc changer in
random order.

Press the [M.RDM] button.
Each time you press the button, the Magazine
Random Play turns ON or OFF.
When the Magazine Random mode is ON, "MGZN
RDM" is displayed.

• When you push the Control knob toward [

¢], the next

random song starts.

Function of Audio file

Folder Select

Quickly selecting the folder you want to hear.


Enter Folder Select mode

Press the [F.SEL] button.
"FLD SEL" is displayed.
During Select mode the folder information is
displayed as shown below.

Folder name display
Displays the current folder name.


Select the folder level

Push the Control knob towards [FM] or [AM].
With the [FM] of the Control knob, you move 1
level down and with the [AM] of the Control knob,
1 level up.

Selecting a folder in the same level

Push the Control knob towards [

4] or [¢].

With the [

4] of the Control knob, you move

to the previous folder, and with the [

¢] of the

Control knob, to the next folder.

Returning to the top level
Press the [3] button.

Scrolling the folder name display

Push the Control knob toward [FM] for at least
2 seconds.


Decide the folder to play

Press the Control knob.
The Folder Select mode releases, and the Audio file
in the folder being displayed plays.

Cancelling the Folder Select mode

Press the [F.SEL] button.

Text/Title Scroll

Scrolling the displayed CD text, Audio file text, or
MD title.

Push the Control knob toward [FM] for at least
2 seconds.

• When the (page 18) is set

to OFF, the display may black out while scrolling.