Nodal point (continued) – Kaidan QuickPan Panoramic Tripod Head User Manual
Page 14

Nodal Point (continued)
comes to the Fore-Aft adjustment,
you won’t be able to look through
the viewfinder to determine the
proper setting since the viewfinder
is a separate optical path that
doesn’t really “see” the same image
as the film.
Instead, you’ll have to start with
the bracket all the way to the
front and take pairs of test shots.
Each pair will have the vertically
aligned objects in the left and then
the right side of the viewfinder.
After each pair of photos, slide the
bracket rearward and repeat the
process. Slide the bracket the same
increment each time (i.e. 10mm).
Be sure to record the scale setting
for each pair of images. Process
the film, or in the case of digital
cameras, download the images to
your computer.
At the end of this process you will
be able locate the pair of images
with the least relative movement.
If no single image is optimum, you
may need to interpolate between
two images to find the closest value.
What is it and how do I find it?