Changing filter cycles troubleshooting – Strong Pools and Spas The Cyprus User Manual

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Changing Filter Cycles


No power to spa:

1. Check for power at outlet
2. Check reset on GFCI cord (Press test then reset)
3. Check proper connection of cord to pack
4. Check fuse in pack (.5A 250 V UDL slow blow) the thicker wire of the two fuses.
5. Must have very good ground connection - If none call tech support

Trips Breaker:

1. Make sure dedicated line:
2. Check breaker
3. First take note to how long runs before trips

Trips instantly

1. Mis-wired - check electrical wiring
2. Breaker replacement - unhook to check
3. Short in Ozone - unhook to check - call tech support
4. Short in pump - unhook to check - call tech support

Trip after purge

1. Heater has short - check heater - call tech support
2. 110V spa set at HC, change program - call tech support

Proper filtration is an important key to maintaining the clarity of your spa's water. The filter system is designed for
unsurpassed effectiveness at removing debris and suspensions from the water anytime the water is circulating.

Your control panel is set to filter for two hours every twelve hours. A two speed pump is supplied with your spa that
provides filtration on low speed, the low speed will shut off if the temperature creeps more than 2 degrees above
the set point, it will turn back on when temperature drops to the set point.

Filter Mode:
Press Aux and Heat same time, hold until C and #, it will scroll from C2 - C12 by holding

C2 = 2 hour filter cycle for every 12 hour period
C5 = 5 hour filter cycle for every 12 hour period
C12 = 12 hour filter cycle for every 12 hour period

Release at desired setting

Lower cost for less filter time, but cannot filter too much.

220 Volt Conversations (Cyprus Gold Edition):
Move white wire from inside of pump plug (large red plug on side of pack) and fasten alligator clip end onto J10.

Apply power and change programming to HC by calling technical support.