SoundCraft MH4 User Manual
Page 9
Dual Aux Output Module
4 - 16
Dual Aux Output Module
4 - 18
Stereo Group Output Module
4 - 20
VCA master Fader Panel & Assigning VCA Groups
4 - 25
Master Modules & Fader Panel
4 - 26
Solo System
4 - 31
VU Meterbridge
4 - 35
5 - 1
Automation CPU Panel
5 - 2
Rear Panel
5 - 3
Mute Groups
5 - 4
Scene Control Section
5 - 5
User Modes
5 - 7
Power Down Settings
5 - 9
Resetting the CPU
5 - 10
Dumping and Reloading the Internal Memory
5 - 11
Console Linking
5 - 12
6 - 1
Appendix 1: MIDI Implementation
Appendix 1 - 1
Appendix 2: Mark-up Sheets
Appendix 2 - 1